easy, friendly and safe

Buy, sell & trade Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other coins

Create an account

Enter your email address and secure password to start your crypto journey.

Verify your identity

Use our automated identity verification system to instantly verify and activate your account.

Start buying and selling

Make your first deposit and begin trading digital currency. It’s really that easy!

GOCADA features


Gocada offers the most liquid order book in the world, allowing users to easily exchange Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Litecoin, Ripple, NEO and many other digital assets with minimal slippage.

Fast payments

Immediate settlement for TL deposits and withdrawals for banks that support the Fast payments platform.


Security of user information and funds is our first priority. Contact us to learn more about our security features and integrations.

Customizable Interface

Organize your workspace according to your needs: compose your layout, choose between themes, set up notifications and data preferences.


Join a global community that believes in the power of crypto.

Industry leading API

Our Websocket feed lets you easily gain access to real-time market data, while our trading API lets you develop secure, programmatic trading bots.

Start your portfolio today

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